A Holistic Approach to Process Integrity & Sustainability.

At the heart of our brand identity are core foundational pillars of authenticity, respect, security, and transparency. Citizenship by Investment remains a viable source of funding for our island nation, and for that reason we are continually and vigorously engaging with key external stakeholders, including governments and supra-national organisations, to ensure that our investors continue to enjoy the international market access and returns that drove their initial investment decision.

 Strengthening our borders – an ongoing due diligence approach

We understand our mandate as the gate keepers to our borders and have placed immense focus on maintaining the transparency & accountability of our program through enhanced and active ongoing changes to the citizenship application process and through the monitoring, evaluation and reporting of the day to day operations of the Citizenship by Investment Unit to which Saint Lucia has maintained the preparation and presentation of audited reports on an annual basis from the launch of its Programme in 2016 .

Due diligence and governance within the investment migration industry are at times falsely portrayed as somewhat tiresome costs both in capital and in time, to which we strongly disagree.

From the inception of the Programme in 2016, Saint Lucia introduced a multi-layer approach to due diligence consisting of KYC (know your customer) conducted by Authorised Agents prior to the submission of an application, to the use of international and recognised  3rd party due diligence firms and our Local Law Enforcement, the Royal Saint Lucia Police Force which in themselves extend to Local Authorities in line with AML policy and mandates, and Regional and International Border Control Authorities.

Our commitment over the years to good governance has proven as a major value driver to our potential citizens and by extension, Saint Lucia.

Introduction to the Identity Verification Process

Effective September 1st, 2023, applications to the Saint Lucia Citizenship by Investment Programme will be subject to an interview in person or virtually, allowing for an additional layer of protection. This identity verification process will commence upon the compliance of an application and at the Due Diligence Process stage.

With the use of trained specialists and advanced technology, this added feature to the country’s already robust due diligence process will enhance the authentication of critical bio-data information and eliminate any information gaps that can potentially exist in the application process.

Potential investors can be assured that our meticulous and effective enhancement to the due diligence process reinforces the enduring yield of global travel mobility and peace of mind. 

Sustainability of Our Citizenship by Investment Programs

We understand that the investment migration industry is indeed fragile, and we are open to engagement which will facilitate the enhancement of our programs, protections of our borders and enrichment of lives for all our citizens.   

Citizenship by Investment is an excellent choice for global investors and direct foreign investment much needed by small island developing states.  Saint Lucia is committed to sovereign and corporate governance and diplomatic engagement of the highest level.



Kangaroos and Bananas?: A Question of the Rule of Law & Due Process in Saint Lucia